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Technologies That Will Change The Future Of Cancer Care

Real-Time Cancer Diagnostics

Zoltan Takats at Imperial College of London developed an intelligent surgical knife (iKnife) that works by utilizing an older technology in which electric current is used for minimal blood loss while making incisions. But with iKnife, vaporized smoke is examined with a mass spectrometer to discern chemicals present in the biological sample. This can allow for real-time recognition of malignment tissue. This knife can also significantly reduce the length of an oncology operation, making it favorable for surgeons.

Understanding The Causes Of Diseases

Getting a clear view of the environmental and genetic factors that can lead to different types of cancer, together with a patient’s genetic makeup, could catch cancer in its infancy state. Process innovation in healthcare is also necessary, and more acceptable screening technologies assist more specific and precise cancer biomarkers. Cancer Grand challenge by Cancer Research UK promotes researchers to unearth previously unknown carcinogenic events, making this trend closer to reality step by step.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Therapy Design

Choosing the next step for treatment is a struggle even after deducing the tumor cells from the bloodstream and sequencing the DNA well within the time-frame. An oncologist can’t see through thousands of clinical trials and millions of studies while keeping all the patient’s mutations and parameters in mind, but Artificial intelligence (AI) can. Watson, IBM’s supercomputer, has been used for oncology for years now. These allow for a personalized treatment based on the patient by screening through all the present evidence in minutes.

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